DIY Super Mario Bricks and Question Blocks

I made these awesome Super Mario brick and question blocks for my son’s Super Mario birthday party. I placed some piranha plants that I made on top of them and our house was magically transformed into Mushroom Kingdom! Read on for details..

I started this project by ordering a 25 pack of 12x12x12 boxes from Amazon. I assembled them with blue painter’s tape on the bottom and thin black painter’s tape on the top

Next, I spray painted the top and sides of the boxes (Tip: don’t worry about getting a perfectly even coat of paint, it looks more like a brick when some areas are lighter than others

I used Gloss Georgia Clay, the perfect color for Super Mario bricks. I spray painted 15 boxes with this color, which was about three bottles

The next day, I added the black lines to complete the brick look. I used one inch painter’s tape to wrap the boxes. I started in the middle where the spray painted black painter’s tape was and used that as a guide. Then I added a strip above and below the middle line

Here is a video showing how I added the rest of the black lines

I used the same sized boxes for the question blocks. I hot glued each side with yellow poster board cut to size and glued on a question mark. I used these round stickers on the four corners of the front side of each block

Woohoo, all done! The perfect addition to any Super Mario party!!

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